Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Gandhi Phoenix

My opinion is that the Gandhi’s' present generation don’t deserve what they r getting ... not a single one of them ... Sonia doesn’t have any political achievements ... she is important to these empty headed congress zealots because ... according to them ... she is the only link to Jawahar - Indira - Rajiv ... and somehow by bear beating the overused but shallow name of "Gandhi" ...they can get the coveted seat of power...
Smt. Sonia Gandhi has emerged as more than the President of the Congress Party. Today she represents the hopes of millions of Indians reeling under the anti-national, anti-poor and unconstitutional politics of the BJP. In the past five years, Smt. Sonia Gandhiji has joined the ranks of our earlier statesman like Smt. Indira Gandhiji and Shri Rajiv Gandhi. She has toured the length and breath of this country and through her accessibility to the masses, and their response to her, proved that she not only lives up to the traditions of the Gandhi family but continues them so that, under her leadership, the Congress Party can once again claim its place as the leading political party of our country.
I don’t know if u remember properly but Indira died in Sonia's arms and she was killed by her own bodyguard who was a Sikh and after that anti-Congress people floated the news that Congress is anti-Sikh. That same Sonia Gandhi left her post to a Sikh just because she found him more suitable for the post and that she had other responsibilities. She didn’t back out because our 'own' saffron clad Sushma Swaraj said that she will commit suicide if the 'firang' becomes the PM.
If this is not a political achievement, i want to ask u the definition of political achievement.
Secondly I don’t know how u believe the fact that people would back Sonia and congress 'solely' because of their history !! If you think that renunciating the seat of PM is her sacrifice ... I think it is a political price she has paid so that her children continue to enjoy the fruits of power ... till eternity ... and who wont accept that Dr. MM Singh is nothing more than a puppet PM ... the actual power still resides in 10 race course ...
Dev i want to know what 'fruits of power' are being enjoyed by Rahul/Priyanka ?
I don’t accept the fact that you are calling the most educated PM in the world today, a puppet PM. He has a better educational background than Amartya Sen. :)... If you can say this, its not you speaking, this is a voice of a BJP supporter. If consulting your party President (Sonia) is being a puppet, my dear Dev, its time u start thinking from a neutral point of view while arguing on these points.
Yes Dev I think wining parliamentary seats is an achievement. You cannot be a hypocrit in calling
Very true but whom can u take out of the list??
Lastly i would not even consider our beloved Atalji as even a sane person who can have the 'guts' to speak against the people who brought us our independence.
ek sonia ki le rahaa hai aur doosra bacha raha hai and in the meantime atal ki le raha hai
Well I have to agree with Arijit that BJP sucks big time now!
all its hindutva stuff has been pushed back up into its ass
and with the better politicians getting killed (read P.Mahajan), BJP has totally lost its forts now...evidence is in the recent polls
but you guys should talk about the latest Buddha in the circuit
man what adolations this Bhattacharya guy is getting
and I've heard he deserves it too
well I agree with this Deb too
that sonia Gandhi is a scheming @#$?*
not that i hold anything against her
jab apne hi log apne desh ko loot rahe hain
then [quote]foreigners[unquote] ko bhi fair chance milna chahiye
well she's doing a great job at that
getting to be the most powerful lady of the country and nobody's suspecting her
Sonia or for that matter other members of Gandhi family may have been true politicians one would look for but congress party as whole is not some thing i would look for to rule this country.....
its not a person that rules and drives a country....its not a family who has been associated in the independence and generations have served the country in politics rule the country....its a political party as whole which rules the country....and on that account congress doesnt fit....
and this doesnt mean that BJP does :) .....
i think a lot has been talked about these things....i am sure that in recent times this is not the first such discussion between the youth of this country....... when we say that we want to or we should improve this country and make it a better place....then i think the change should start from you..... first be a person like the one who you would like should rule the country....then try to change the surroundings...
it's the system which needs to be fixed....and the system starts from with in each one of us....and ends with in each one of us.....
Of course, the traditions of the gandhi family has always been to keep india poor and undeveloped, so that they can tour the length and breadth of the country. That way, sonia has definitely kept the tradition. If she really has reach to the masses, why did she decline a televised debate with sushma swaraj?
Another tradition of the gandhi family has been to maintain relations with foreign, usually, white skinned people of the opposite sex. nehru, rajiv and now rahul are definitely continuing the tradition.
By the way, did you ever think why the nation of 1 billion+ needs a leader not brought up in this country? THAT is the biggest proof of congress failure after 50+ years of misrule.
You may have reason to celebrate. Italy won. Congress workers in Patna even did a yajna before the match, praying for Italy. They were on TV stating that Italy was the 'mama's house' of rahul baba. Mama Mia!!!
Well, this is the version that the congressis themselves give. Therefore, it is fully intended to be digested. We do not hear things like advani pariwar or vajpayee pariwaar. we only hear gandhi pariwaar. Why?
These congress guys were so negative. The only govt that promoted India was the NDA one. Roads, infrastructure, telecom (includes Internet through which you are able to write this blog), everything was developing. So, how would the congress win? Negativity is the answer. They started saying: India shining? then how is this man poor???
Funny, really. You keep the poeple poor for 50 years and then blame the other party for not making every poor person rich!!!
Exactly, Arijit. The NDA was waking it up. But the congress did exactly what you mentioned here. They made the progress look too slow. Bloody negative dynastic rulers.
Oh, and by the way, if we do not become a banana republic with all the casteism and communalism being promoted, what will we become?
Exactly, Arijit. The NDA was waking it up. But the congress did exactly what you mentioned here. They made the progress look too slow. Bloody negative dynastic rulers.
Oh, and by the way, if we do not become a banana republic with all the casteism and communalism being promoted, what will we become?
I have no idea how did u conclude that its Gandhi family’s tradition to keep India poor. Must have read some anti-Gandhi/Congress website hosted by some BJP freak.
I could find no correlation of reaching the masses and having a TV debate with the blabberbox. Everyone has his/her own way to reach the masses. BJP People love media publicity. I don’t think you have seen Sonia giving interviews often.
When u say that Congress is behind all this - corruption, riots, communal and caste divides, overall failure in administration and poverty alleviation and rising crime have you even looked behind and seen what BJP have done ? Its BJP who hides behind Hindutva and doesn’t even knows what the word Shekular (oh or is it Secular) means and you say Congress doing Cast divides? What base do you have when u say Congress is behind riots and rising crime?
And I will point this again and again, when the country wants her who the hell are you ?
Dear Kaushik, try to find the meaning of the statements I made against which you tried to find some weird corelation.
In the same logic i would clarify your story.
If a dog kills Indira Gandhi and she dies in Sonia's arms and still Sonia makes a dog our PM, then it proves that she doesnt hates dogs.. ..
making sense now ? :)
Find out the similarity and differences between an underwear and the Nitro fuel.
In my post did i mention that I hate Hinduism ? What i mentions was I hate "ONLY HINDUISM". Is the difference clear to you ? I am a Hindu and I am proud of it but not by means of demeaning other religions.
Have you ever noticed how the BJP and RSS only know how to make issues out of non issues? Sonia Gandhi's foreign origin, her supposed inability to speak good hindi(which I think is bullshit-her hindi is fairly decent!), Rahul Gandhi's white girlfriend, dynastic politics, etc are the things they focus on. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REAL ISSUES?
Most of their politicians are so unpolished, crass and brash. Have you noticed the way they shout and scream on talk shows/debates? People like Uma Bharti and Sushma Swaraj behave in such an uncouth, uncultured manner- threatening to shave one's head and dress in white and sleep on the floor, Narendra Modi calling Sonia an Italian bitch and stating very proudly that he would never hire Rahul to even be his driver... i mean...what kind of bull crap is that? I'D RATHER HAVE AN ITALIAN PRIME MINISTER THAN HAVE SOMEONE LIKE UMA BHARTI/NARENDRA MODI RULE MY COUNTRY. AND NO, THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME LESS PATRIOTIC THAT ANYONE ELSE! I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I WOULDNT WANT A GROSSLY INCOMPETENT, INTOLERANT, UNCOUTH PM!
These people go on about how Manmohan Singh is a puppet in Sonia's hands. WHY ARE THEY COMPLAINING NOW? They shot themselves in the leg when Sonia won the elections and decided not to become PM. They didnt want her as PM- FINE! SHE ISN'T! NOW CAN THESE PEOPLE GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON TO REAL ISSUES INSTEAD OF DRAGGING SONIA INTO EVERYTHING?
I found the point about how "Congress won because 'WE' don't vote" very amusing. First, even in urban settings, THERE ARE TOLERANT PEOPLE WHO CANNOT STAND THE BJP/RSS IDEOLOGY! So a lot of us would STILL vote for the Congress/Left. Secondly, "WE" comprise a very very small percentage of the total population! The millions of people out there, languishing in poverty are NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR A PARTY THAT ONLY STANDS UP FOR THE RICH, AND SO CALLED UPPER CLASS!
Why is secularism seen as anti-hinduism? Why is there so much insecurity about the present government being anti-hindu? Even with a Muslim President, Sikh PM who is allegedly controlled by a Catholic woman, HOW CAN ANY GOVERNMENT EVER BE ANTI-HINDU IN A COUNTRY LIKE INDIA?
The BJP should learn to be less emotional about things and not get lost in irrelevant issues. We need to progress as a country and progress is not about some people getting ahead and the majority of the people in the country still living in the darkness of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, etc. Maybe if the BJP decided to focus on these things for once, they'd be able to play the role of a responsible opposition effectively!
India is not the world but HInduism is definitely India. The very word Hindu means people on this side of the Indus - which is India. So, all Indians should be Hindus - with the variety our own culture offers.
Frog in the well? By printing '40 years of freedom' and 'mera bharat mahaan' stickers, using crores of rupees in poor India is not a frog in the well siuation for you? Can you give me an example of the frog in the well wrt BJP?
You say, think big to achieve. That is exactly what was being done in the NDA tenure. And can you tell me ONE BIG thought that arose from the congress stable?
I don't think it requires a lot of analysis to see that 50 years of congress kept India poor. And I have read material by retired militarymen and IAS officers that mentioned the autocratic ways of the nehru family. And what's wrong if I read material by a BJP freak either? What makes YOU conclude that such material would not be right?
She doesn't give interviews often because SHE CANNOT.
She appears comfortable only in NDTV like congress paid channels which give her an award for person of the year for doing nothing.
How do you propose to get FDI and FII into India without media publicity??? THAT is what the BJP did - instilled pride in being Indians - not western and Arabic clones that the affluent were becoming in congress times. And your congress freaks are the ones who claim that the BJP is after publicity. They gave half page ads mentioning their ACHIEVEMENTS. These congressis give full page ads showing the photogenic faces of rajiv and rahul and sonia and nehru and indira. In essence, are they trying to say that they will repeat nehru's and indira's mistakes and keep dreaming like rajiv?
Why don't you find a relation wrt the televised debate? You call sonia the hope of millions but she is afraid that an open debate will show her real face and expose her incapacity to lead. If she cannot face viewers on TV defending her party in a healthy comparison, on what basis are you calling her a hope for millions?
Open your eyes and see what has happened in 50 + years of congress rule. It is the facts speaking for themselves, not I.
You have lived in Delhi and might never have seen or heard of riot (except the killing of sikhs again in the hands of congressmen). Come to places like Bihar and you'll know what the congress has done. The congress administrations were more corrupt than laloo - laloo was worse because he simply didn't care. and corruption went deep inside public life. WHO DO YOU THINK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRUPTION IN INDIA - 55 YEARS OF CONGRESS RULE OR 5 YEARS OF NDA RULE?
BJP is the only secular party which your congress is not. your congress treats people based on religion. It has different sets of rules for different religions' followers. do you call this secularism? On the other hand, the BJP is the only party that talks of a uniform civil code which your congress opposes and calls itself secular?
And who the hell are you to decide that the country wants her? Show me the facts. As I said, the NDA got more votes than the congress - so kindly tell me the basis on which you proclaimed that the country wants her. I also mentioned earlier that people like US SIMPLY DO NOT VOTE. So, imagine the number of people who DO NOT WANT HER. If PEOPLE WANTED HER, DO YOU THINK THE CUNNING CONGRESSIS WOULD NOT HAVE MADE HER PM? WHY DID THEY HAVE THI SACRIFICE DRAMA IF THE COUNTRY WANTED HER??? THINK, THINK. DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS.
Again, I can see that you are equating one sikh with another which goes to show you are a true congressi sickular freak who deals with people not on their merit but their religio
Again, I can see that you are equating one sikh with another which goes to show you are a true congressi sickular freak who deals with people not on their merit but their religion. THIS ITSELF IS REASON ENOUGH TO BAN CONGRESS.
>>Incidentally, Sanjay's marriage with the Sikh girl Menaka (now they call her Maneka for Indira Gandhi found the name of Lord Indra's court dancer rather offensive!)<<
It is self-hatred because the character of Menaka belongs to our lore while Sonia is a white foreigner. Remember the white skin affiliation of the nehru parivar?
So, what's wrong if I join politics? My thoughts are clear as to how India should be. My inference track is not only right for BJP but for India, too. On the other hand, you have been brainwashed by congress and you can win elections only in a congress stronghold.
There is nothing like only hindootwa. Hindootwa is pluralistic in itself, secular in itself - that does not mean that we should be taken advantage of and secularism be imposed on us.
Hinduism is not an umbrella for people to group under and dominate others - see the success of parsis, a minuscule population, in hindu majority India. Hindutwa in Tamil Nadu is different from that in Punjab; in Assam, it is different from that in Maharashtra. Hindutwa is not a fixed religion - it represents the 'local' culture everywhere. What we are against is the attack on this local culture in the name of foreign cultures.
And you talk of demeaning other religions? Please have a look at www.faithfreedom.org for starters - read it in detail and you'll come to know which religions try to demean others. At present, it is you who is not clear about the difference.
The sangh pariwar is a family of people from all over India - they are not descendants of one family. Get the difference clear - don't go by words. In the sangh, the leader's son does not become the leader and there are no cronies waiting to make a foreign educated child the next PM of India (by the way, couldn't your pariwaar make India's education good enough for its own members to study here???)
Yes, WE are the BJP voters - so, what do you think - we do not have a right to vote? and we should gift your incompetent leader a post on the platter? 3 votes? Come on prove it to me that we give three votes each. This is an outrageous allegation coming from a congressi under whose prty's rule, booth grabbing became a phenomenon. How many votes do you give? 300 each? I know people back home who have done that for congress and the third (class) parties.
in fact, in 1995 and 2000, laloo made sure that names of BJP strong areas were simply pulled off the electoral list. Both members and supporters of BJP are more educated compared to other parties.
In fact, I find it strange that grown ups in India are unawae of the kind of corruptin that pervades the place - something that does not let good parties win. Do you know that many people did not vote for BJP in 2004 because they came down strongly on corruption?
On any given day...id join 'I HATE SONIA GANDHI' campaign and woulnever ever support her candidature for the coutry's top post(read PM)... I have my reasons for it...coz for fact, she just doesnt give a damn about INDIA... I dont intend to go on and empirically prove this... but certain facts abt her cannot be refuted..its my opinion ..junta out there is entitled to their own.
Again on any give day....Id also suggest that ...that we as a Nation have had enuff of 'Gandhi's' for a lifetime now....having ruled for 50 yrs they havent really got much to show...we probably are worse of bcoz of sum of their policies.(present day ones such as Reservation and ones from the bygone era). I mean for godsake....generation after generation we will not offer this nation to one 'Gandhi' after another...I refuse to believe that there are no other people to better serve this country...
Now If ur still reading this...chances are you would have already jumped the gun and already must have accused me of being pro- BJP....well....guys! heck no...... they are no worse... to start with... they dont know .. how to deliver...yes they did instill pride... but took the sheen of it as well... with all th scams and behind the scenes money mongering....I mean rt now... they dont even have leaders..that one can look upto....leave alone vote for...here...not for one moment am I suggesting that..congress and the allied have people worthy of 'voting' for..or so to say any less scamsters!!!
My problem is today....I live in a nation where the choice is not between the good and the bad..... but is one between 'worse' and 'wors-est'. Now that sum kinda choice..I mean FCUK!... whom do u vote for when u know... they all are togeather on issues..such as Pro-Reservation.
>>You cannot BECOME a democrat just by voting<<
Exactly... that is why we are far from being a democracy - there are fools blindly voting for congress, some because congress gave us independence (this itself is arguable but it makes me cry to see people believe it and then vote for congress based on this).
>>People there count each day of their lives and every night thank god for giving them the opportunity to see one more day.<<
So, who has made the situation thus for them? They themselves have.
Boss, in India, people ARE killed if they go with their thoughts - unless the thought supports congress. So many riots in the recent past, so many bombings, yet we cannot speak our mind. And you call this a democracy?
says who? any proof? As i said, today you are able to write this blog courtesy the telecom boom promoted by the BJP. I see this tendency in you of making blatant opinioisation without facts. Please correct this and show me the facts. Otherwise, there is no shortage of adjectives. I can blame congress for the same - and owing to 50+ years of misrule, I have more facts about cogress failure and BJP's success in only 5 years.
Again, you are bringing saffron into it - why cannot you keep religion away from politics? congress effect?
trust you??? a congress supporter? who supports a party that should be banned for destroying India? who supports a party for its failures?
It is not the origin but the upbringing that matters. How can a person who hasn't grown up here rule this place? It is not just HIndi (which she anyway reads from a roman script - i gave proof to the effect). She is poor in ANY language of India. How can such a person communicate with the people? I already raised this point, yet you are repeating it. tum congresswaalon ke saath yehee problem hai. tum log ek hee baat baar baar repeat karte rahte ho without any factual basis (while accusing BJP of the same as you did in your post).
What non-issues have BJP raised? Is the IMDT act a non-issue? Is muslim headcount in the army a non-issue? Do you have nay idea of the repurcussins of such activities as those promoted by congress? What non-issue has BJP raised? Why does Rahul need a brazilian girlfriend, by the way? Nehru needed an English mistress, Rajiv an Italin wife and Rahul a Brazilian girlfriend. Why the hell is this family hell bent on ruling India then???
You call sonia's hindi decent, Even after staying here for 26 years, she reads hindi from the roman script and you call it decent? Do you have any knowledge of Hindi yourself? And what are your guidelines for deciding decency in hindi? come on, let's come down to facts.
Please try and write as many pts in one post as u can..else the discussion/debate will appear completely one sided. :-)
I'm surprised. It is this self-hatred that I hate. Can you come down to facts and instantiate what you consider crass and brash? Of course, your love for an England-like culture may make you think that mama's boys like rahul and rajiv are polished. Polished in what?
Arun Shourie is crass? Arun Jaitley is brash? Advani is unpolished? hey boss, don't repeat lies... just get down to facts - i know it is very uncongresslike but still - get down to facts.
I'm surprised again - the BJP representatives on the talk shows are some of the most well-mannered. On the other hand, Have you listened to abhishek manu singhvi? what does he do other than shout and scream? What dos kapil sibal do?
Please give me an example of Sushma swaraj behaving in an uncultured manner. As far s Uma is concerned, yes, she shouts. But so do 99% Indians, even in foreign lands. What did your congress do in 50 years to polish Indians?
I have listened to Uma's speeches. They have logic - unlike your congresswallas. If BJP is so poor and sucks in every department, why does your congress have a single-point agenda of stop-BJP???
Oh yes, it does. The british were good administrators - they are so even now - the whole point of the independence struggle was swaraj. Although it has nothing to do with congress, the congress today claims the first use of the term 'poorna swaraj'. The congress asks for votes saying it fought for independene. So, yes, it does make you less patriotic if you want an Italian PM. Uma was a good administrator earlier, however, now she is more on the egoistic side. But what's wrong with Narendra Modi? He's the best CM of India. Ask common gujaratis what they think of him. If he becomes the PM, the country can develop like anything - within years, this will be a developed country - unlike under congress which is destroying whatever little is there.
Then you should support Modi, not Sonia.
ye padh:
Do you know that Italy does not forfeit its citizenship status? Thus, technically, Sonia is legally still an Italian citizen and this effects to her being a dual citizen, currently not permitted in India.
Again real issues? to bol na kyaa hain tere real issues? phir main jawaab detaa hoon.
>>They didnt want her as PM- FINE! SHE ISN'T!<< bewaqoof ladkee - it is not the post but the POWER that is in concern. if she is such a saint of sacrifice, why doesn't she sacrifice the power and let manmohan do his job? post chhodne kaa naatak karo, phir power le lo. Why doesn't she sacrifice 10, janpath which rightfully belongs to the PM which she isn't?
Amusing it may be but it is also the truth. The truth can, at times, amuse the uninformed.
BJP RSS ideology kyaa hai bataa to zaraa?
Iskaa tolerance se kyaa matlab hai?
tujhe idea hai ki jitne hinduon ko tere terrorist friends ne maaraa, usse zyaadaa muslims kee madad RSS ne kee in times of crises. On several occasions, govt aid never reached the needy (ye hai tere congress kaa aslee chehraa) but RSS reached them.tolerance kee kyaa baat kar rahee hai be? How much should we tolerate? Will you tlerate it if someone rapes your family and then kills them simply because you do not have a name like theirs or because you are not in a burqa?
If you point out inequalities in policies, if you ask for a uniform code, you are called intolerant???
If you ask for the country to be unified, you are intolerant?
padhee likhee hai yaa yoon hee pataakhe chhod rahee hai?
tere jaise anpadh ganwaaron kee wajah se we are being ruled by this shit party that has divisive ideologies.
>>So a lot of us would STILL vote for the Congress/Left<<
Wo to dikh hee rahaa hai... tabhee to county kaa paisaa quatrocci ke paas hai aur iraq kaa paisaa natwar ke paas.
Left? You still vote for the left? Tum jaise logon par logic kaa koee asar naheen hotaa because
1. you don't listen
2. you don't try to understand logic
3. you believe in lies and rumours
4. you spread lies and rumours
waise itnaa kam bhee naheen hai - aur agar hai to kyon hai? Why is the intellectual elite in this country such a small population as you claim (even after 50 years of congress rule)???
What rich and upper class? country men development karwane ke lie paise chaahie hote hain, unlike what you left leaners would want us to believe - to paise kahaan se aaenge? rich se hee aaenge na? to NDA ne wohee kiyaa. Why didn't FDIs and FIIs come in 50 years of congress rule? Do you also remmeber that India finished off its loans to the US under NDA rule? ab baat kar na real issues ke baare men.
>>The millions of people out there, languishing in poverty<< haan to wohee to bol rahaa hoon. Why are there millions of poor people after 50 years of congress rule??? too qhud hee facts quote kar rahee hai against congress and phir congress ko support bhee kar rahee hai? Apne 'dimaagee santulan' kaa ilaaj karwaa le.
i thought secularism was anti-islam. if you don't believe me, read about islam.
Go through www.faithfreedom.org
hinduism is already secular. how can secularism be anti-hinduism?
But why impose secualrism on us by giving special privileges to vote banks (courtesy your congress - why cannot everybody be ruled equally)? Is what congress does secularism? Agar hai to prove kar. bol ki kab secularism ko anti-hinduism bolaa gayaa hai. facts bataa.
>>Why is there so much insecurity about the present government being anti-hindu<<
Why? go to assam or just open your eyes in delhi and mumbai and calcutta and chennai - everywhere in fact - the places are full of bongdeshis. Our temple money is taxed and used for running their madarssas that churn out terrorists. There are lots of points - uske lie tujhe uma bharati kaa bhaasaN sunnaa padegaa. samajhnaa padegaa.
Waise leave it, just read 'the World of Fatwas' by Arun Shourie.
Read about islam and the threat it imposes on the whole world.
In sab ke lie bahut research karnee padtee hai ladkee. khaalee blog padhne se naheen hotaa.
ye hee to gadbad hai.. itnaa achchhaa president hai hamaaraa, but you first call him muslim.
PM ko sikh bolkar hinduon se alag kar die - do you know about sikhism? Tell me how it is different from hinduism. come on - i challenge you to prove to me how sikhism is different from hinduism. uske lie phir tumhen sikhism ke baare men bhee padhnaa padegaa.
but finally, ye argument samajh men naheen aayaa. if you re implying that all heads are non-hindu, to phir to it should be an argument against hindu security, not for it. See, after the godhra riots, gujarat reaction happened - then these guys were quiet for a while. Now again they have started their activities. Don't you hear news reports? the train blasts had full insider support.
Tera communist minister buddhadeb kyaa paagal hai ki madarse band karwaane kee baat kartaa hai, border seal karne kee baat kartaa hai? Do you know that the estimated population of only bongdesh muslims in India is more than 1 CRORE.
But of course, congress and commies ko inse vote jo milte hain - kuchh hindu mare to mare.
abe bewaqoof, log MAR rahe hain. ye tere ko relevant naheen lagtaa kyaa?
>>We need to progress as a country and progress is not about some people getting ahead and the majority of the people in the country still living in the darkness of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, etc<<
to ye to tere ko congress se poochhnaa chaahie. BJP ke under to more people left their poverty behind. Or did you expect ki 5 saal men congress kee pooree gandagee (50 saalon kee) saaf ho jaae?
tum log chaatte raho... safed chamdee waalon kee... the other option is ki oopree hissaa badhaao - aankhen kholo - chaaron taraf dekho - koopmandook mat bano - naheen to kisee din naam poochh ke maar die jaaoge.
india shining posters? to jab india progress kar rahaa thaa to kyon naheen bataaen is fact ko? teraa congress kyaa kar rahaa thaa 'meraa bhaarat mahaan' posters and stickers lekar? ponchne ke lie the wo sab? Kaun see mahaantaa thee us time? karz men doobe hue, khaane ko daanaa naheen, sookhaa akaal, corruption men seeped - par meraa bhaarat mahaan. And what about full page ads in newspapers every other day with the photographs of THE family? NDA ke time par to shine thaa bhee... ab to pheekaa pad gayaa hai. Lekin ads phir bhee band naheen ho rahe hain congress ke.
control india? yeah, you're right. control hee to kiyaa hai in congressi logon ne ab tak. sabko baant kar control hee to kiyaa hai. Par SHINE kab kiyaa hai boss congress ke under?
So who brought these MNC boomers in India? your congress didn't. then what 'ruling thing' are you talking about? What ruling thing has congress got? again, come down to facts and give me the achiements of congress and i'll give you the achievements of BJP, some of which i already did.
not global in thinking? then how did they bring global business into India? not presentable? Now again, let's decide on what constitutes presentability first. This is not a ramp and they are not models.
Menaka gandhi was a valid point in the post - being from THE family, she was a part of BJP earlier. And the point was about self-hatred.
Ya, but bihar is not delhi... that is why i have seen more of congress's failure than you guys.
Insiders... does not mean congressis... socho. insiders have helped the bombers and congress policies have helped them flee... every time.
>>Yeah i know Kaushik, the truth hurts. When your own BJP is not able to keep religion away from Politics, why would I<<
ok, prove this. I challenge you. How has BJP not kept religion away from politics?
- This is whats written in small fonts at the bottom of your reference site. If tomorrow i create a site with unknown authours with their own ideologies, it doesnt become the truth.
Secondly, I am not afraid of anyone so there is not need to delete any post. It was Abhishek. This is my blog so even if i delete one, no one will get to know that. :) .. blogging for the first time .. huh ? I guess ur BJP had this techie thing in them since Alice went to Wonderland..?
If your congress had this techie thing in them since alice in wonderland, how come our technical achievements started more in the NDA rule?
Well, search for my name in Google and you'll see I participated in many blogs here and there and comments in a few sites, too. And I refrain from writing my opinions in blogs. If you visited as many blogs as I did, you wouldn't remain a first time frog in the blog either. I have given a few references - go through them and increase your knowledge - then let us fight on this topic, otherwise, it is difficult for me to fight opinion with facts if you are not able to distinguish between them.
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