Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The French Smile

Da Vinci Code is an amazing movie and I don’t agree with the ratings and reviews its getting in India and abroad. The top 2 Indian English news papers have given it ratings of 3 and 3.5 on a 5 scale. IMDB has given it 6.5 on a 10. I suggest people not to go for the movie with a preconceived notion that it would be a replica of the Dan Brown bestseller. You would end up finding out nooks through out the movie. People who haven’t read the book have an upper edge watching the movie since they will be experiencing the suspense which unfolds at the end. On the contrary they might have a tough time following the movie and the facts properly.

My 'Things to watch for in Da Vinci Code' would have on top, Sophie Neveu; Audrey Tautou. I think she is one of the most gorgeous actresses on screen today! She's a true, natural beauty, nothing vulgar about her. And I don't think anyone could have filled the role as well as she did, she's almost exactly how I pictured Sophie Neveu to be when I read the book a year or so ago. I haven’t heard about her before the promos of this movie were aired. After watching the movie I thought of gaining some insight into this actress on the WWW. I got hold of some amazing pics. As Sir Leigh Teabing said, she indeed has an amazing smile.

Tom Hanks no doubt was brilliant again. It wont be a surprise for me if he walks with the Oscar this year again.

I Kind of agree and disagree with you. About the movie, having read the book more than once (though I don't have a very high literary opinion on the book or on Dan Brown either, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it) and remembering each and every character by the mental map I drew while reading, I was kind of disappointed with the movie, Hanks was definitely not the best choice for Langdon. Paul Bettany, Ian McKellen was quite wasted. It was exactly what I had feared. I went to see the movie with someone who had somehow escaped the luck of reading the book, and he was utterly lost. In order to keep up with the book the Ron Howard tried to feed in too much within the constrained 149 minutes. Therefore at some places it lost the creative flow and became mechanically sluggish.
The only take away from the movie as I totally agree with you is mademoiselle Tautou. She is Sophie Neveu at her best.
For me, she was definitely not a discovery as I have always been a great admirer of her. Having seen her at her best in "Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le " and also in movies like 'Dirty Pretty Things' and 'Nowhere to Go But Up (Happy End)' I was always convinced that she was the best choice for Ms Neveu. She is just too good.
Just one look at her immaculate smile and you can condone all the discomfort.
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