Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The French Smile

My 'Things to watch for in Da Vinci Code' would have on top, Sophie Neveu; Audrey Tautou. I think she is one of the most gorgeous actresses on screen today! She's a true, natural beauty, nothing vulgar about her. And I don't think anyone could have filled the role as well as she did, she's almost exactly how I pictured Sophie Neveu to be when I read the book a year or so ago. I haven’t heard about her before the promos of this movie were aired. After watching the movie I thought of gaining some insight into this actress on the WWW. I got hold of some amazing pics. As Sir Leigh Teabing said, she indeed has an amazing smile.
Tom Hanks no doubt was brilliant again. It wont be a surprise for me if he walks with the Oscar this year again.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Gandhi Phoenix

My opinion is that the Gandhi’s' present generation don’t deserve what they r getting ... not a single one of them ... Sonia doesn’t have any political achievements ... she is important to these empty headed congress zealots because ... according to them ... she is the only link to Jawahar - Indira - Rajiv ... and somehow by bear beating the overused but shallow name of "Gandhi" ...they can get the coveted seat of power...
Smt. Sonia Gandhi has emerged as more than the President of the Congress Party. Today she represents the hopes of millions of Indians reeling under the anti-national, anti-poor and unconstitutional politics of the BJP. In the past five years, Smt. Sonia Gandhiji has joined the ranks of our earlier statesman like Smt. Indira Gandhiji and Shri Rajiv Gandhi. She has toured the length and breath of this country and through her accessibility to the masses, and their response to her, proved that she not only lives up to the traditions of the Gandhi family but continues them so that, under her leadership, the Congress Party can once again claim its place as the leading political party of our country.
I don’t know if u remember properly but Indira died in Sonia's arms and she was killed by her own bodyguard who was a Sikh and after that anti-Congress people floated the news that Congress is anti-Sikh. That same Sonia Gandhi left her post to a Sikh just because she found him more suitable for the post and that she had other responsibilities. She didn’t back out because our 'own' saffron clad Sushma Swaraj said that she will commit suicide if the 'firang' becomes the PM.
If this is not a political achievement, i want to ask u the definition of political achievement.
Secondly I don’t know how u believe the fact that people would back Sonia and congress 'solely' because of their history !! If you think that renunciating the seat of PM is her sacrifice ... I think it is a political price she has paid so that her children continue to enjoy the fruits of power ... till eternity ... and who wont accept that Dr. MM Singh is nothing more than a puppet PM ... the actual power still resides in 10 race course ...
Dev i want to know what 'fruits of power' are being enjoyed by Rahul/Priyanka ?
I don’t accept the fact that you are calling the most educated PM in the world today, a puppet PM. He has a better educational background than Amartya Sen. :)... If you can say this, its not you speaking, this is a voice of a BJP supporter. If consulting your party President (Sonia) is being a puppet, my dear Dev, its time u start thinking from a neutral point of view while arguing on these points.
Yes Dev I think wining parliamentary seats is an achievement. You cannot be a hypocrit in calling
Very true but whom can u take out of the list??
Lastly i would not even consider our beloved Atalji as even a sane person who can have the 'guts' to speak against the people who brought us our independence.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Last night, I went to Turquoise Cottage, where my friend's office colleague was playing live. The ambience, in one word, was electric. TC, as its better known in
The beer was too expensive but my friend, Shantanu couldn’t resist and decided that he will have just one Fosters pint just for the sake of lightening up his mood. He goes to the counter and says - "Ek foster, two glasses”.... Of course we can’t blame the bartender and expect him to hear everything perfectly in midst of the rocking guitar sounds. He happily gave him a fosters pint and 2 Castle Lager pints ("do Castles")... :D ..